we have two caperlicious winners!

Remember when Mr. Cornelius fell victim to caper-lollipop-induced bad behavior?

You’ll be happy to hear that after learning that hard lesson, he’s been the model of good behavior.

*cue in angelic harp music*

No cookie stealing, no boozing, no bad words, no dumping on the dumplings.

In fact, he’s been so good, he didn’t once nag beg ask to pick the winners for the The Great Lollipop Caper Giveaway.

So naturally we sought out the dashing, ever-erudite, globe-trotting numerical genius Monsieur Random Integer Generator, who just happened to be feasting on several sizeable platters of veal piccata at his luxury villa in Milan.

There was much lip smacking between murmurs of “picchiare! picchiare!” and ardent sips of Dolcetto di Dogliani. Divine providence or lucky coincidence? M. Generator was primed to the gills for our little concurso de alcaparra.

Displaying an unusually high tolerance for capers, M. Generator read The Great Lollipop Caper at least twelve times, zealously licked one hundred caper-flavored lollipops, and didn’t wince once.

Straordinario! No appalling behavior at all.

Unless you count pulling out the mustache hairs of perfect strangers one by one with silver tweezers, burping to “Ave Maria” in church, and (gasp!) folding the pages of every book in the Biblioteco Sormani into origami animals.

The fact that Monsieur Generator rubbed his fingerprints off is of little consequence. He was nevertheless perfectly capable of picking our two winners with utmost impartiality. Truth be told, he loved every name and number, and wished everyone could have a prize. But alas, just two. Uno, due.

So, now —




—–The winners are:—–




*drum roll, please*




Linda Baie!!
Valerie Lawson!!


To receive your signed copies of The Great Lollipop Caper + lollipops, please send your snail mail addresses to: readermail (at) jamakimrattigan (dot) com.

Thanks for playing, everybody!

Won’t it be interesting to see how Linda and Valerie behave after they eat their caper-flavored lollipops? 🙂

Thank goodness Mr. Cornelius is back to behaving himself.


Copyright © 2013 Jama Rattigan of Jama’s Alphabet Soup. All rights reserved.

25 thoughts on “we have two caperlicious winners!

  1. Now that is a winner reveal that is a REAL winner! Congrats Linda and Val!


  2. Clever! Congrats to the winners (who, really, are all of your blog readers)!


  3. Oh, I’m disappointed I didn’t see this early, early this am, Jama. It would have given me extra energy for this long, long day! I sure could use a lollipop about now, capers or no! It might be just the thing to keep me going a couple of more hours! Thank you for the most wonderful prize-giving post! I am thrilled!


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