sunday brunch

Look who came to brunch!

All winter, we’ve been seeing four or five deer roaming around our yard. We’ve been very lucky this year; I can only remember one sort of major snowstorm, and it melted away completely in a few days.

Anyway, I love catching a glimpse of them every now and then. We don’t mind them eating our bushes or flowers. After all, they were here first.

These pics are dedicated to Eisha of 7-Imp, who asked to see our deer friends several weeks ago. All the pics were shot from inside the house, so they’re not as clear as I’d like, but you can click on any one of them for a closer view.

Have a beautiful Sunday!

19 thoughts on “sunday brunch

  1. amazing!
    Oh, Jama! Thanks for the pics! I can’t believe how close they must have been to your house. Lovely!


  2. Even though we’ve been seeing deer around here for about 9 years, I always feel “blessed” when they appear. They’re often here in a flash, then gone again, so timing is everything.


  3. Beautiful! These photos remind me of the house in the country where I grew up. We had an apple orchard out back that always attracted deer. Thanks for sharing these!


  4. I’d probably ask them if they preferred apple or leaf tea, and then gently try to talk them out of eating flowers. First year we were here, I planted some lovely marigolds in window boxes. Next day, they had all been decapitated — only stems left. Silly me.


  5. Me, I’d choose the apple tea but I’m guessing the deer might choose the leaf tea. I know I’m horrible but I just can’t help smiling at the way you’ve phrased it – decapitated marigolds


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