of dogs and cats and flowers and birds: the whimsical beauty of vanessa cooper’s paintings

“Next Supper” (2015)

The other day, in my ongoing quest for art that makes my heart sing, I stumbled upon the work of UK-based artist Vanessa Cooper.

Can you see why I instantly fell in love? Why shouldn’t doggies be treated to a variety of scrummy cakes and a homey checked tablecloth?

Dogs aren’t the only ones who receive special treatment at the dining table. Vanessa also includes lots of cats, the odd budgie, goat, or whatever stray she might happen upon. I love her sense of whimsy.

She’s a Hampshire native who studied at Portsmouth University. She started painting in her teens and her style is defined by her bold use of color, striking compositions, and charming details.

Working principally in oils, she draws inspiration from nature, home and family life. Her work has been described in three words: “joie de vivre.”

She’s an artist who revels in beauty — a vase of flowers, birds alighting on branches or on the wing. A lovely delicacy.

Alongside sensuous still lifes there are paintings exuding warmth, coziness and playfulness, usually with animals taking center stage. Kitties sitting all in a row, adorable and obedient. We are drawn into the scene. We can only imagine what will happen next. Whatever it is, it makes us smile.

Vanessa’s work has been featured in national publications and her images are used on greeting cards by Medici, Camden Graphics, and Woodmansterne. Her work has been exhibited at the Royal College of Art, Royal Western Academy, Chelsea Art Fair, Battersea Arts Fair, and the Affordable Art Fair, amongst others.

Find out more about Vanessa at her Official Website. Originals and Limited Edition prints of her work are available at a number of online galleries, including Aquarelle Publishing, Affordable Art Fair, and WhiteSpaceArt.


Copyright © 2017 Jama Rattigan of Jama’s Alphabet Soup. All rights reserved.






8 thoughts on “of dogs and cats and flowers and birds: the whimsical beauty of vanessa cooper’s paintings

  1. Very pretty!
    Did you know that fish pie with the heads sticking out is called stargazy pie in England? I thought of that with the fish cupcakes and cats.


  2. Oh Jama, your post, and Vanessa’s art make my heart sing. I love them all, but especially the hollyhocks and chickens! Thank you!


    1. So happy to hear you like Vanessa’s work, Linda. We all need some beauty and positivity in our lives. Those chickens are great!


  3. Love Vanessa’s folksy style and vivid colors. And of course, the dogs (and cats) 😉


    1. I thought of you and Becca when I saw all those dogs at the table. I sense she wouldn’t mind a checkered tablecloth. 🙂


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