soup of the day: at the boardwalk by kelly ramsdell fineman and mónica armiño


Breathe in that fresh salty air and come along for some summertime fun!

I’m positively giddy that Kelly Ramsdell Fineman’s very first picture book, At the Boardwalk (illustrated by Mónica Armiño and published by Tiger Tales), is officially out today. WooHoo!!

*cartwheels, backflips, crazy dazy somersaults*

The reason I’m so happy is that Kelly was one of the first LiveJournal friends I met online when I started blogging about five years ago. I was impressed by her brilliant, witty, insightful reviews and interviews, candid musings about writing and life in general, enlightening explications of classic poems, and month-long Shakespeare and Jane Austen love fests, for which she is known far and wide.

Only Kelly could wax poetic about Wordsworth one moment, then talk about garden gnomes gone wild the next. I’d taken to calling her,”abnormal,” since I didn’t know anyone else who could read as fast, retain so many details, and then instantly offer stunning, eloquent commentary while brandishing an épée and singing along to her brainradio precisely on key. She once remarked how she looked forward to the day when it would finally be her name spelled out in alphabet pasta in her very own celebration soup.

Well, Kelly, that day is finally here!!

*trumpet fanfare*

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