A Declaration in Support of Children

Happy to sign this pledge.

faceofhope Illustration by Vanessa Brantley-Newton

Children’s literature may be the most influential literary genre of all. Picture books, chapter books, middle-grade and young-adult novels all serve the most noble of purposes: to satisfy the need for information, to entertain curious imaginations, to encourage critical thinking skills, to move and inspire. Within their pages, seeds of wisdom and possibility are sown.

Therefore we, the undersigned children’s book authors and illustrators, do publicly affirm our commitment to using our talents and varied forms of artistic expression to help eliminate the fear that takes root in the human heart amid lack of familiarity and understanding of others; the type of fear that feeds stereotypes, bitterness, racism and hatred; the type of fear that so often leads to tragic violence and senseless death.

Our country is deeply divided. The recent election is a clear indication of the bigotry that is entrenched in this nation, of…

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5 thoughts on “A Declaration in Support of Children

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Jama. I didn’t know about it and I was eager to sign on. As I wrote on the FB page, one bit of light from this election is that so many people are motivated to act, share, care and speak out. I hope that as the initial shock of the election wears off, that spirit of community and activism only grows stronger.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it’s been very heartening and encouraging to see this happening. I think it was a huge wake-up call for everyone, that we can’t sit back and hope our government will work for us.


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