thought for the week

            “Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation,
             whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an 
             invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever
             he may choose to say he deems it necessary
             for such a purpose — and you allow him 
             to make war at pleasure.”
                                           ~ Abraham Lincoln

8 thoughts on “thought for the week

  1. He was one smart guy, that Abe.
    I teach fifth grade and we study the Civil War. Lincoln was truly amazing because had such vision for our country. He hated slavery, true, but his main purpose in allowing the Civil War to take place was to fight for the United States to remain united – one country instead of two.
    Pretty powerful stuff with long-reaching consequences. (Oops. It’s my day off! I’ll just step away from the front of the classroom now…) KYM


  2. I’m wondering whether we’ll ever see another truly great president with this kind of vision. We lost JFK much too soon, and in recent years I’ve found myself voting for the lesser of two evils. I really want to believe that this year will mark a turning point in our history.


  3. Oh, how I long for the days of deep-thinking, eloquent leaders. This quotation by Lincoln moves me to tears. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    (LOVE your chimp icon, by the way, It’s perfect, lol!)


  4. I, too, long for the days of deep-thinking, eloquent leaders, especially those without personal agendas! When did they stop listening to us, the voters, the citizens of this country? What happened to “serving” the country?


  5. It sure seems like we have some strong candidates this time around, ones who seem genuinely interested in change. Hopefully with a brain of their own and not just being a mouthpiece for organizations with deep pockets.
    Do you think we’ll ever get a president who supports gun control so people can stop murdering each other and kids in colleges won’t be randomly executed every few months? Just hoping…KYM


  6. I’m totally with you on the gun control thing. The rash of school shootings seems to be escalating — very scary. The Virginia Tech shooter grew up only 10 minutes away from where we live. Requiring background checks/mental evaluations might have prevented this tragedy, but equally tragic is the failure of our mental health resources. These kids are not getting the help they need, so they resort to violence.


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