thankful thursday

Today I’m thankful for the miracle of photography, and for good friends who send you old pictures out of the blue. Last week, Len received this cutie patootie pic of the three Rattigan kids and their neighbor friend, Joyce.

I love how telling this photo is — the way each appeared at that moment in time perfectly captures who they are today. Len’s sister, Aleta (sitting, left), is  nurturing and maternal. No surprise she’s holding little Joyce. Rascalish Len is in front, ready for anything and rarin’ to go (and he has hair)! My brother-in-law, Ron, standing in back, is ever the reserved, cautious businessman, who made his fortune dabbling in Wise potato chips and chocolate chips.

What a great blast from the past. Thanks, Bob!

16 thoughts on “thankful thursday

  1. A fabulous freeze-frame in time
    I love this photograph. It has all the elements of personality, story, quality of picture…even the pet dog is posing for the photo. Who’s the photographer who was able to identify this as a moment to capture?


  2. Re: A fabulous freeze-frame in time
    Don’t know the photographer. Amazing that the photo is in such good shape. It was taken in the early 50’s. I like the dog, too. Believe it or not, Len couldn’t recognize himself in the picture. It was so obvious to me.


  3. Such a fun picture, and interesting how they were in the picture reflects who they are now.
    I love the puppy in the BG too. He looks like the kind of dog that could steal the limelight in a picture book.


  4. Now, *that* is a fabulous picture. I love Ron’s stance, his posture, that cautious-but-mischievous look. Like he’s about to make you a deal.


  5. Re: Lenny was kinda cute wasn’t he?
    They were all adorable. Lenny’s mother used to say that whenever they went out, strangers would tell her what beautiful children she had. And yes, here’s proof, finally, that Lenny was born with hair!!


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