presenting: fuzzy the fox!

You probably know we live in the woods and have a lot of critters running around. I’ve posted pics of deer, wild turkeys, and squirrels before.

But I’ve never posted any fox pictures, because they’re mainly nocturnal and very shy and elusive. That’s why I was so excited to spot Fuzzy this week curled up and napping in our back yard. He’s quite handsome, with thick red fur and black ears. It’s taken me almost 10 years to get a fox photo.

This one is for Jules, who asked if I had any Fuzzy pictures. This one’s quite fuzzy :)!

And to everyone in snow country, as you can see, no snow or ice on the ground for us in Virginia, yet. Hope the clear weather holds out for Inauguration Day. Stay warm!!

31 thoughts on “presenting: fuzzy the fox!

  1. snow in virginia

    wow! looks like a beautiful, natural woodsy area of virginia you live in! such a great photo too. today in norfolk, viginia we are actually seeing some snow flakes although none of them seem to be sticking.
    speaking of sticking, i am craving those pot stickers from the 2k9 website you linked. i am going to try out that recipe today 🙂
    thanks, kim baise


  2. It must be amazing to live in the woods with a lot of critters running around. I envy you. :o)

    Into the Wardrobe


  3. Our neighbor has some cats which like to terrorize the foxes. It’s always interesting to see who’s where on the power hierarchy. I’d like to see the raccoon, possum, cats, and foxes in a throwdown.


  4. He’s beautiful, and what a great fox photo you finally got! Thanks for delivering on my query!



  5. Woah, Fuzzy is a cutie, but I think I’d be scared of having him in my backyard.
    We don’t have any snow in southwestern Indiana either, but when I visited my parents for Christmas in Wisconsin, they had about 30″. Crazy fun snow to play in.


  6. So cute, a great close-up! I’ve spotted one at a distance, in the meadow/woods behind our house — haven’t seen one close-up before. Your patience was rewarded! ~ Lois B


  7. I keep hearing fox in socks in my head. How cool to see and get a picture of a fox in your backyard. I will have to show my daughter the picture. She will love it!


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