soup of the day: absolutely maybe by lisa yee!


Everyone, it’s time for some whistles, cheers, and big time whoops!!

Today, we are celebrating the official release of Absolutely Maybe (Arthur A. Levine Books, 2009), penned by the one and only Lisa Yee! Woo Hoo!!

       ABSOLUTELY MAYBE by Lisa Yee (Arthur A. Levine Books, 2009),
       Young Adult, 288 pp.

That’s right, the former Miss America and author of the wildly popular Millicent Min, Girl Genius; Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time; So Totally Emily Ebers; and Good Luck, Ivy!, has written a funny, touching young adult novel about 16-year-old Maybe (short for Maybelline), who hitches a ride from Florida to California, where she discovers just what she is made of. Phew! This book is coming out just in time; ever since I finished Good Luck, Ivy!, I’ve been suffering from serious Lisa withdrawal, simply wanting more more more from this Sid Fleischman Humor Award winner.

Anyway, Maybe’s life is pretty tough. Her mom, who goes through men like Kleenex, takes her scuzzball boyfriend’s side after he tries to rape Maybe, so she’s left no alternative but to run away from home. She takes to the road with her friends Hollywood and Ted, hoping to find her real father, whom she thinks is a famous movie producer. 

After they get to California, her friends get in the groove right away. Hollywood, who’s been accepted to the USC film school, starts working on a documentary, and Ted finds a job and moves in with the famous Gloria de la Tour. This leaves Maybe to fend for herself. She is traumatized by the idea of babysitting triplets, stops for some tacos (my kind of book!), and ends up working at Taco Truck #4, where she proves to the owner and herself that she’s capable of creating some pretty awesome stuff. 

What else? Finding her real birth father is not as easy as she thought it would be. She does meet her former stepfather and his girlfriend, but is hurt and betrayed when she sees Hollywood’s documentary. Who are her true friends? More importantly, if she’s not the charm school beauty queen her mother wants her to be, just who is she? There are many life lessons to be learned for this determined, spunky, resourceful main character who eventually comes into her own — Kool-Aid dyed hair and all. It promises to be a great read!

Now, in honor of Lisa, put on your sunglasses, grab a taco, and slurp some souperstar soup. Oh, and have your peeple call my peeple.

Today’s Special: Glitterati Gumbo (guaranteed to induce delicious fantasies
of Brad and Colin, maybe).

Absolutely Maybe may be purchased through IndieBound or your favorite online bookseller. What are you waiting for?

Be sure to check out

Scholastic did a series of wonderful interviews with Lisa that are not to be missed. It’s totally cool hearing about all her books and her writing journey.

Lisa’s official website is here, and her Live Journal blog is here. 

somethin’ sizzling from lisa yee!

Ni hao (hello)!

If you’re craving a little Chinese, you’ve come to the right place.

Our first dish in this month’s Asian Pacific Heritage Month potluck comes courtesy of the one-and-only Lisa Yee,  winner of the 2004 Sid Fleischman Humor Award and author of the wildly popular kids’ favorites, Millicent Min, Girl Genius, Stanford Wong Flunks Big-TimeSo Totally Emily Ebers (all published by Scholastic, 2003, 2005, 2007), and her newest book, Good Luck, Ivy (American Girl, 2007).


Good Luck, Ivy, a companion book to the American Girl Julie Series (by Megan McDonald), is set in 1970’s San Francisco. Ten-year-old Ivy Ling, Julie’s best friend, must decide between participating in a very important gymnastics tournament or attending a family reunion.

A perfect older brother, a mother in law school, a father working two jobs, and Julie moving away, often make Ivy feel invisible. A traumatic fall in a previous tournament has shaken her confidence, and she feels terrible after unintentionally hurting her grandparents’ feelings. And what about her report for Chinese school? How Ivy finds balance — both on the balance beam and in her life, makes for an engaging story sure to please young readers ages 8-12.

I especially like the warm family scenes featuring food! Ivy and her brother, Andrew, visit their grandparents, Gung Gung and Po Po, every Saturday morning for a steaming bowl of breakfast jook at their Chinese restaurant, the Happy Panda. But there are also scenes involving spaghetti, hamburgers, and Julie and Ivy’s invention: Chinese Almond Twisters — symbolizing the perfect blend of things American and Chinese, old traditions and new.

Today, Lisa is sharing a recipe for deep fried wonton, probably served at the Happy Panda, but more prominently featured in Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time. Stanford’s grandmother, Yin-Yin, is famous for her dim sum (‘to touch the heart’), theorizing that if people’s mouths are full, they can’t fight. In a very touching scene, Stanford visits Yin-Yin in her nursing home, where she whips up a batch of wonton. He says, “I’ve missed Yin-Yin’s fried wontons almost as much as I’ve missed having her live with us.”

So, get into the spirit of Asian Pacific Heritage Month and fry up a batch of these. Of course, their flavor will be enhanced ten-fold if enjoyed alongside any one of Lisa’s fabulous books!



1-1/2 T minced garlic
4 stalks green onions, finely chopped
1-1/2 lbs. ground pork (you can substitute ground beef or diced chicken)
3-1/2 T soy sauce
1-1/2 T sugar or honey
1 12-oz pkg. pre-made wonton skins
1 egg, beaten
3 cups cooking oil

1. Heat a tablespoon of the cooking oil in a large skillet. Add garlic and cook until browned.
2. Add green onions and saute.
3. Add ground meat and cook until the meat is browned. Drain the oil.
4. In a separate container, mix the soy sauce and the sugar or honey. Pour over the meat and cook. When the meat is done, turn off the burner and set the skillet aside.
5. Lay out the wonton skins in rows.
6. Place one tablespoon of meat in the center of each wonton skin.
7. Dip a pastry brush or the back of a spoon into the beaten egg, then “paint” two adjoining edges of the wonton skins.
8. Fold the skin in half diagonally so it forms a triangle, and press the edges together to be sure they are sealed.
9. Heat the remaining cooking oil in a large pot.
10. Drop wontons into the heated oil and cook until golden brown. Be sure to turn them while they’re cooking so they don’t get overdone.
11. Drain and let cool.
12. Eat!

Thanks, Lisa!