thought for the week


“I probably spent the first 20 years of my life wanting to be as American as possible. Through my 20’s, and into my 30’s, I began to become aware of how so much of my art and architecture has a decidedly Eastern character.”

“Sometimes you have to stop thinking. Sometimes you shut down completely. I think that’s true in any creative field.”

“How we are using up our home, how we are living and polluting the planet is frightening. It was evident when I was a child. It’s more evident now.”

                                   ~ Maya Lin, American Artist, Sculptor, Architect


6 thoughts on “thought for the week

  1. Have you ever been to D.C. to see the Vietnam War Memorial?
    Yes, I have!
    We took my father-in-law there a couple of years ago to see the WWII Memorial. He was a vet of that war. A young draftee in the Army who fought in Germany. during the last years of that war.
    Of all the memorials, I found the Korean War’s the eeriest. Those stone soldier ghosts and the ghost images on the wall stayed with me for a very long time.
    The black wall of the Viet Nam was moving in that it’s length seem to underline the length of that war. (and all it’s deaths) I remember in early 65, when I was all about the Beatles and MAD magazine and playing WWII “Army games”, this boy in the next neighborhood was our town’s first casualty. It was a weird signal. A real war was going on. And nobody seem to know. Until the dead came home.


  2. Re: Have you ever been to D.C. to see the Vietnam War Memorial?
    I haven’t seen the Korean War Memorial yet. The Vietnam Memorial always gets to me because of the names. It is too easy to think of “casualties” as some unknown group of people somewhere. But names cite individuals, making the war more personal and heartbreaking — especially when you see people looking for specific names and then doing rubbings of them. I also like the “gash out of the earth” aspect to symbolize the nation’s unhealed wound.


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