loopy lunch, or, don’t try this at home

Well, hello! Glad you could join us for lunch.

Today’s Menu: Succulent Salad Trio

First, how about some healthy greens:

Next, a flavorful fusilli:

Finally, I hope you have room for this "Solid Potato Salad," compliments of the Ross Sisters (1944). It starts out like any campy musical number, but after a bit, it really cooks. Wear your bib, for when your jaw drops!

15 thoughts on “loopy lunch, or, don’t try this at home

  1. My jaw didn’t drop until the girl did the full split with her head already on the ground, but after that, I pretty much couldn’t keep my mouth shut. That was freakishly disturbing on some levels, Jama. So, um, thanks?


  2. Freakishly disturbing? :)okay. Actually, the girls are contortionists, and there’s very little info about them, other than they’re not really sisters, and performed this number in the movie, “Broadway Rhythm.” The full split really got me, too.


  3. From what I’ve read, they’re not really sisters. It’s amazing how they really do look alike with almost the exact same body type and size. Perfectly matched!


  4. Solid potato salad

    Hi Sis, Loved the musical number as I am such a fan of musicals of that era! Considering that this is pre-Cirque du Soleil, it is really impressive! Love, Syl


  5. OUCH!

    Do you know that Eisha’s sister used to be a contortionist? Wild to see.



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