dogs dogs dogs

Holy Dog Breath!

The alphabet soup kitchen has been hijacked by dogs!

They’re everywhere, everywhere! Lapping up tequila and expensive mineral water, leaping through hoops, barking, whimpering, panting, jumping on the furniture, and licking all my stamps! Some want me to read Shiloh to them over and over again, while others are demanding doggie massages. And I’m running out of biscuits and chew bones!

All because Thursday is National Dog Day, and some of these clever critters got whiff of my plan to post pics of them with their children’s author companions. Ever since I put out the call, there’s been a steady stream of these tail wagging, tale telling, marvelous mutts ringing my doorbell.

Look who dropped by today:

Melissa Sweet with Rufus and Nellie! You may remember from my interview with Melissa that she’s a huge dog lover and animal shelter advocate. She wrote and illustrated this doggie book:

By the by, Melissa tells me that Rufus is a 10-year-old Australian Shepherd mix, the sweetest dog on the planet. Nellie is a 4-year-old Sheltie, who lives to herd anything that moves, even semi trucks. Her eyes dart back and forth at the sound of jake brakes.

When told about National Dog Day, Rufus said, “I thought every day was dog day . . . does this mean special treats?”

Nellie’s only response was:


Guess who else padded their way into the kitchen?

Jackie Urbanovic with her dogs Max and Cuba!

Max and Cuba

Max the dog is not to be confused with Max the Duck, star of her wildly popular picture book series, which in addition to Max, features Brody the dog and lots of other cool animals.


Jackie also shared this adorable picture of her with her childhood dog, Dodo,

                                Absolutely adorable (love those boots)!

this one of Irene, who’s the character in the Max series with a house full of animals,

Scrappy and the real Irene and Brody.

and this one of her with big and little stuffed Maxes and Brodies.

Friends, we’ve got a LOT of crazy-for-canines people in the children’s book world.

And this is just the beginning. As I said last week, Sit and Stay tuned for lots more on Thursday!

Help! I’m being licked to death!

Copyright © 2010 Jama Rattigan of jama rattigan’s alphabet soup. All rights reserved.